Tuesday, September 25, 2007

exercise 1.5

step 1:

what is the goal of Girl Scouting?

step 2:

  • what is girl scouts?

  • who started it?

  • where did they start it?

  • what are the different levels?

  • how do you get involved?

  • what are the age requirements?

  • how is the girl scouts expanding?

  • ae there any different types of money making opportunities?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

All three of these article were somewhat interesting there are many thing that i liked about them and then there were many things that i did not like about them. in many of the articles, they repeated infromation that was redundant to the topic. i guess they just wanted to reinterate something that was of no imprtance. the most interesting one that i found was the one about the 20 great google searches. i knew many of these but some of them i didnt. like, for instance, i did not know that the calculator worked that way. this was interesting to find out.
i hope this is what needed to be done

notes for annotated bibliography

google's growing grasp

  • the search giant is bulking up on partnerships

  • Google teamed up with Intuit to enable small-business owners to manage ad campaigns

  • teamed up with eBay to offer "click to call" ads connecting online shoppers

  • teamed up with MySpace to supply social network's search and advertising

  • helped MTV distribute video clips with ads tacked on

  • Google realized that while negotiating a deal with Dell that it needed to stretch its existing user base.

  • myspace puts Google into the fastest-growing online communities

  • Inuit targets business users

  • MTV targets video distribution

  • the alliance will allow Google to get back into its primary business.

  • tim gaumer, google's pretax return on assets declined 7.6% in the quarter ending in june, 11.8%a year ago

  • google knows that their biggest threat is Microsoft

  • the idea is the that google wants to organize your life, not just information

  • online advertising accounts for only 6% of total ad spending.

  • consimer interests continue to trump business concerns

  • google recently decided not to place ads at the start of videos on its site because users would expect to see content not promotions

  • google is unlike Microsoft at this stage in corporate life

  • in 1983, when microsoft was the same age that google is now, it was one product company with lots of growing pains.

20 great google secrets

  • google is clearly the best general-purpose search engine on the Web

  • google is a remarkably powerful tool that can ease and enhance internet exploration.

  • syntax search tricks- tells google that you want to restrict searches to certain elements or characteristics.

  • swiss army google- using a calculator, figuring out whether or not you have the right word or right spelling.

  • extended googling- offers several services that give a head start to focusing the search

  • there are many different "fingers" in google. they are there to help you and guide you to do well

so much fanfare, so few hits

  • short attention span- the internet's most dominant brand is the presumtive winner.

  • google's 120 billion dollar market value is based on it domination in searches

  • with its huge market cap and lead in search, google has time to work out the kinks and mistakes.

  • there are many things that people do not realize. while there are people sitting at a computer searching for things that dont exist, ther eare other people navigating thier way throught the world wide web.

google notebook notes

Betsie Stoeckel
Carly Coleman
Alex Tracy
Cesar Pedroni


What Google Notebook?
Google notebook is an online, secured notebook that allows you to safely store information. It allows you to cut, copy, and paste information, images, and links from the web onto your notebook without closing the same window. It also allows you to add your own notes. It is easily located on a tool status bar.

Explain some of the basics of how to use it (in a way that even a novice could understand).
Google notebook is a very easy online program to use. Anywhere internet is offered a person can easily access the account. To create and access an account simply enter www.google.com/intl/en/options/ In a step by step process a new user creates an account. They then follow the directions listed by google.

Explain notable features (for the more experienced user to check into).
For the more experienced user, there are several helpful functions offered through google notebook. A user can make multiple notebooks for different subjects, or they can divide a single notebook into different subjects. A person may also rearrange notes and information into different notebooks or sections through a simple click and drag of a mouse. Adding your own notes and comments to Google notebook is fairly easy. Search all through your notes by typing key words or phrases into the search box at the top of the page. You may also collaborate your notes with others, publish your work, and search for other notebooks that have been created on the web.

Evaluation and Conclusion: Why would someone want to use it and how would they use it? Are there any pitfalls to the product? (This section may be both positive and negative.)
Someone would want to use Google Notebook because it is a great way to stay organized, especially when frequently browsing the web. Just copy and paste information and you are done. It is also a safe site in which a person would not have to worry about hackers. The Google notebook would be great for research papers because a student would not have to worry about losing the great amount of note cards that they have accumulated for a single paper. Instead, their notes and information would be easily accessible on a trusted site. The fact that there is not a help button might be a pitfall for someone who is not “computer smart”. Overall, Google notebook is a great tool, especially for students. It is easy to use, with different fonts, sizes, styles, and colors available.
It is easy to use.