Tuesday, September 11, 2007

notes for annotated bibliography

google's growing grasp

  • the search giant is bulking up on partnerships

  • Google teamed up with Intuit to enable small-business owners to manage ad campaigns

  • teamed up with eBay to offer "click to call" ads connecting online shoppers

  • teamed up with MySpace to supply social network's search and advertising

  • helped MTV distribute video clips with ads tacked on

  • Google realized that while negotiating a deal with Dell that it needed to stretch its existing user base.

  • myspace puts Google into the fastest-growing online communities

  • Inuit targets business users

  • MTV targets video distribution

  • the alliance will allow Google to get back into its primary business.

  • tim gaumer, google's pretax return on assets declined 7.6% in the quarter ending in june, 11.8%a year ago

  • google knows that their biggest threat is Microsoft

  • the idea is the that google wants to organize your life, not just information

  • online advertising accounts for only 6% of total ad spending.

  • consimer interests continue to trump business concerns

  • google recently decided not to place ads at the start of videos on its site because users would expect to see content not promotions

  • google is unlike Microsoft at this stage in corporate life

  • in 1983, when microsoft was the same age that google is now, it was one product company with lots of growing pains.

20 great google secrets

  • google is clearly the best general-purpose search engine on the Web

  • google is a remarkably powerful tool that can ease and enhance internet exploration.

  • syntax search tricks- tells google that you want to restrict searches to certain elements or characteristics.

  • swiss army google- using a calculator, figuring out whether or not you have the right word or right spelling.

  • extended googling- offers several services that give a head start to focusing the search

  • there are many different "fingers" in google. they are there to help you and guide you to do well

so much fanfare, so few hits

  • short attention span- the internet's most dominant brand is the presumtive winner.

  • google's 120 billion dollar market value is based on it domination in searches

  • with its huge market cap and lead in search, google has time to work out the kinks and mistakes.

  • there are many things that people do not realize. while there are people sitting at a computer searching for things that dont exist, ther eare other people navigating thier way throught the world wide web.

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