Wednesday, August 22, 2007

step 1

  • it is okay to say things the instructor might disagree with
  • you need to follow formal instructons
  • you can use your own experiences and observations as evidence
  • you can use your own writing voice
  • you're supposed to use your own opinions

i definately disagree with the statement, "You're writing mostly for the instructor." this is completely wrong because ever since i was in the second grade and had to withe a small paper, my teacher told me to write so the fellow classmates can understand you, not have to keep asking questions. as the years went on, i knew just how much my teacher really meant what she said. today when i think about the things that she told me, i feel that she had a lot of good things to say, even when i felt like she was wrong. in my english classes in high school, peer editing was a popular way to criticize your fellow classmates. everyone had something to say about the essays written. if you write a paper using high shcool level english instead of doctor english, you will be considered smart, not an "overachiever"

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