Wednesday, August 22, 2007

step 2

"there is a big difference between fact and opinions"

i agree this statement because there are many things that have been proven, and many things that have not. for instance, the presceding presidents have been documented. i could say that Bill Clinton was the president after George Bush and before George W. Bush. but when asked whether they were all good presidents is an opinion that only few people care to honestly share. some might say that president Clinton was a better militarically wheresas the Bushs have the respectability for the cabinet. these are all personal opinions and one person is not right or wrong, they think what they think and that is the the way they will continue to think until some drastic change is made to change the future.

1 comment:

Nicole Hancock said...

Good posts so far. I'm not sure what happened with the purple font post, but try to avoid those margins if possible.